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Dairy Farmers of Canada welcomes with great interest the ‘Grocery Supply Code of Practice for Canada’ proposed by Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada (FHCP) and Empire Company Limited. If adopted, a code of conduct of this nature would bring greater balance to supplier-retailer relationships, improve competition in the grocery retail environment, and foster greater collaboration throughout the food supply chain.
In recent years, some retailers have increased pressure on suppliers by imposing arbitrary and unreasonably harsh fees and penalties and making unilateral changes to supply agreements. If left unchecked, these practices could hamper product innovation, reduce product variety, and generate unnecessary costs, with a negative impact on dairy farmers, processors, independent grocers and consumers alike.
Countries such as Australia, Ireland and the United Kingdom have already recognized the benefits of adopting such codes of conduct, which promote transparency, predictability and openness in the food supply chain.
Dairy Farmers of Canada is supportive of this kind of proposal and expresses its desire to participate in any future consultations on this issue.
Source : Dairy Farmers of Canada

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Video: Why Are Wild Boars The Most Dangerous Concern for American Farmers?

Why Are Wild Boars The Most Dangerous Concern for American Farmers? In the expansive landscapes of American farmlands, the persistent challenge haunting American farmers revolves around the escalating threat posed by wild boars. These resilient creatures, driven by insatiable appetites, pose a significant risk to crops and disrupt the delicate balance within agricultural ecosystems. Faced with this formidable adversary, American farmers have turned to a strategic arsenal of traps. These intricately designed and strategically positioned traps serve as a pivotal defense against the relentless wild boar population. The meticulous setup and management of these traps showcase the unwavering dedication and resourcefulness of American farmers in protecting their livelihoods. Each trap narrates a tale of resilience as American farmers confront the ceaseless intrusion of wild boars with a blend of determination and practicality. Amidst the ongoing battle between farmers and nature, these traps stand as stoic guardians, symbolizing the perpetual adaptation demanded by the realm of American agriculture.