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Extension Offers Transplant Production Workshop For Vegetable Producers

Growing quality transplants is the topic of a day-long Iowa State University Extension and Outreach workshop Tuesday, Feb. 17 at Valders Hall 379 on the Luther College campus in Decorah, Iowa.

Speaker Ajay Nair, assistant professor with the ISU Department of Horticulture and vegetable production specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach, says that transplant production plays a key role in a successful vegetable production system.

“Growing healthy, disease free and quality transplants is the first step growers have to take to achieve higher yields and productivity,” said Nair. He will speak at the Feb. 17 workshop on the use of transplant growing mediums and the importance of artificial light in vegetable transplant production. Nair was recently named recipient of the 2015 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Early Achievement in Extension and Outreach Award.

Other ISU Extension and Outreach horticulture specialists presenting at the workshop are Patrick O’Malley and Joe Hannan. O’Malley will speak on managing insect pests and Hannan will talk about managing foliar and seed-borne diseases in transplant production.

Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. and the workshop ends by 3:30 p.m. For more details, see the workshop agenda.

Registration cost is $30 per person before Feb. 13. Cost is $35 per person if registering after Feb. 13 or at the door. Lunch is included in the registration price. To register, contact Teresa Wiemerslage, Allamakee County Extension Office at or 563-794-0599.

This event is co-sponsored by The Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture.

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