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How pork production has evolved over the last 25 years

The following dynamic graph shows us how pork production (in millions of tons) has evolved over the last 25 years as well as the rankings by country and how these have been changing.

We observed sustained growth in China until the appearance of African swine fever in 2018 and how, after a spectacular drop, pork production has been recovering.

Regarding the ranking of the top-producing countries, we see there has been no movement for the first four places in the last 25 years if we consider the EU as a whole. We observe how Russia and Vietnam were climbing positions against Canada.

This changes when we break the EU into countries (Figure 2), where Spain made a breakthrough in 2020, becoming the main EU producer, ousting Germany, which lost 20 years of hegemony, becoming the third world producer after China and the United States, until last year when it was overtaken by Brazil.

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