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Jennifer Daniels, 2023 Pork Producer of the Year

Meeting Jennifer Daniels for the first time, it’s her lucky pig earrings that initially stand out.

“The earrings were gifts to me from a couple of girls who I call my grandchildren,” says Daniels, noting that the girls are actually no kin to her. “They knew how much I love pigs, and I am happy that the earrings are the first thing people see when they meet me.”

But the earrings are not the most enduring thing people remember about the NC Pork Council’s 2023 Outstanding Pork Producer of the Year. It’s her infectious enthusiasm that stands out regarding all aspects of her life, including her outstanding contributions to the pork industry.

Just understand her priorities. Faith. Family. Farm.

Receive an email from Daniels, and it will conclude with a passage of scripture. Her favorite is Matthew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

Daniels is fully committed to the Union Grove Baptist Church in Salemburg, where she wears many hats. In fact, she wears most of them, serving as music director, worship leader, women’s group leader and Sunday School teacher.

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In Swine Versation: Passing the Torch: Navigating Succession in Family Farming

Video: In Swine Versation: Passing the Torch: Navigating Succession in Family Farming

In this episode, we explore the inspiring journey of Mogler Farms, a family-owned pork production enterprise, as they navigate the crucial process of succession planning. Join us as Dwight Mogler, the seasoned patriarch, shares his experiences and lessons learned, while the next generation, Chet and Janae Mogler, discuss their aspirations and challenges in stepping into leadership roles.


•Dwight's Journey and Lessons Learned: Dwight reflects on pivotal experiences that have shaped his approach to succession planning.

•Strategies for Smooth Transitions: Dwight elaborates on the strategies implemented to ensure a seamless leadership transition.

•Inspiration and Influence for the Next Generation: Chet and Janae share what inspires them as they prepare for leadership roles.

•Balancing Tradition and Innovation: Dwight discusses how Mogler Farms balances heritage with innovation in an evolving industry.

•Challenges and Opportunities Ahead: Chet and Janae highlight the biggest challenges and opportunities for independent pork producers.

Anecdotes and Insights from the Succession Journey: Dwight shares anecdotes that resonate with other family-owned businesses.

• Addressing Sustainability and Environmental Impact: The Mogler family discusses integrating sustainable practices while maintaining profitability.