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Pork industry sees Prop 12 enforcement hurting pig farmers, consumers and animal health

The pork industry says the U.S. Supreme Court’s split decision to uphold California’s Proposition 12 law that regulates space given to breeding pigs and their offspring will create hardships for both pork producers and consumers, as well as possibly having a negative impact on animal health.

Proposition 12 is a voter-enacted law that considers confinement of pigs "cruel" if it prevents a pig from "lying down, standing up, fully extending (its) limbs or turning around freely." California voters approved an initiated measure proposing the law in 2018 with 63% of the vote.

While supporters of the law promoted it as a move to improve animal health, pork producers say that doesn’t hold up. One major issue with the law is that it seeks to stop the use of gestation stalls.

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Video: Heritage Pork Farming in Ontario

At Nutrafarms, we partner with farmers like Arno who use sustainable practices to raise our heritage pork. From nursery to harvest, their meticulous care ensures the best quality meat.