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Stats Canada report has stocks of most crops down year-over-year

Statistics Canada released its report on stocks of major crops as of July 31.

It shows total stocks of canola and barley were up compared to the same date a year ago, but stocks of wheat, oats, dry peas, and lentils were down compared to a year prior.

Total wheat stocks as of the end of July were down year-over-year by 18.5 per cent to 4.6 million tonnes. Stats Canada says it was partially due to a lower total national supply.

Total stocks of dry peas were 348 thousand tonnes, a decrease of 36.7 per cent, while total stocks of lentils were down to 179,000 tonnes.

Oat stocks were down to 463,000 tonnes due to a lower harvest last year.

Barley stocks were up 72.6 per cent year over year to 1.2 million tonnes. Canola stocks increased to 3.1 million tonnes.

You can find the Stats Canada report on stocks of principal field crops on their

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