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Timely Rains Benefit Manitoba Potato Crop

Manitoba's potato crop is in good condition heading into August.
Vikram Bisht with Manitoba Agriculture says timely rains have benefited the crop, however there are some farmers who have had to irrigate. Most of the crop is at the bulking stage.
He talked about one concern that farmers are dealing with.
"In some places we have heat runner issues, which basically means that when temperatures are over 28 or 29 degrees Celsius, the potatoes are stressed and they then start producing sprouts from the already formed tubers, or they will form chains."
Bisht says there have been no signs of late blight. He adds instances of European corn borer have been very low and the aphid population on seed potatoes is also very low.
Potato acres are higher than last year, according to Bisht, who says that processors were comfortable in their market assessment which led to an increase in acres.
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