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Tips To Control Volunteer Canola In Roundup Ready Soybeans

Don’t wait until flowering to control the volunteer Roundup Ready canola in soybeans, at this point, yield losses have already been incurred and you are only revenge spraying. Control of the volunteer canola should be done early in the season when the plants are small. Below you will see a chart outlining the products registered for use in soybeans to control volunteer canola post emergent. One change from last year is that you can now tank mix Viper ADV with Glyphosate. With any of these products always READ and FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS. With any weed control program growers should also scout their fields before and after spraying to access level of control of problem weeds and determine the cause of any uncontrolled weeds.

Source : ManitobaPulse

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Why Non-GMO Soybean Acres Are Increasing In Manitoba. Hint: It Increases Profitability

Video: Why Non-GMO Soybean Acres Are Increasing In Manitoba. Hint: It Increases Profitability.

Daniel from Sevita International joins us on this episode of the Pitura Pit Stop to talk about Non-GMO soybeans and why acres are increasing in the province.