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Tyson Foods Faces Shareholder Pressure for Stronger Commitment to Sustainable Packaging

Leading up to Tyson Foods’ annual shareholders meeting on February 8, a nonprofit corporate sustainability watchdog is intensifying its efforts to encourage the food processor to embrace a circular economy for packaging.

Tyson Foods has recommended rejecting a proposal put forth by As You Sow, submitted a month prior, asserting that the company is actively working to reduce plastic and packaging waste. The board contends that the proposed assessment and reporting are unnecessary, considering their current practices and disclosures.

In a proxy statement, Tyson officials stated, “The Company shares proponents’ concerns for reducing plastic pollution and is already engaged in efforts to improve packaging sustainability as well as providing public disclosure on progress on these initiatives.” However, a recent filing by As You Sow argues that Tyson’s efforts are inadequate, claiming that the company lacks substantive packaging data in the public domain, putting it at risk of violating Extended Producer Responsibility (ERP) laws.

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Video: The Best Electric Fence Setup for Rotational Grazing

There are so many options when looking for temporary fencing for pigs, but what is the best way to set up paddocks for rotational grazing? What electric wire do I need for pigs? How do I build an electric fence for pigs? At Heifer USA, we are dedicated to answering your questions! Watch as our Livestock Manager, Christine Hernandez, demonstrates how to build an electric fence for pigs on pasture AND shows exactly what to buy so you can follow along. Get the Build-a-Paddock Starter Kit from Gallagher Animal Management in the link in the description.