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Winter Get-a-Ways for Berry Growers

By Barclay Poling

Good afternoon,

I thought some of you might be interested in knowing about these meetings coming up in Feb. 2015.

Pam Fisher, author of the article, Winter Get-A-Ways for Berry Growers (, says:

” These meetings give you a chance to meet growers from different areas, forge networks, and learn what’s new and upcoming.”

I am very much looking forward to my visit to the Ontario meeting Feb. 17th &18th!

Merry Christmas!

Barclay Poling

Meetings: (of course, everyone is aware of the GA Fruit & Veg. meeting in Savannah, Jan 8-11

Feb 3-6, 2015. North American Strawberry Symposium and North American Strawberry Growers Association Annual Meeting, Ventura California: Round table discussions, speaker programs, farm tour and posters. Information, or send an email to

February 17, 2015. Ontario Berry Growers Association Annual Meeting. Embassy Suites, Niagara Falls. Hear from THREE innovative growers and how they deal with changing climate and consumer preference and how they meet the challenges of berry crop production. Guest speaker Dr. Barclay Poling will bring news from North Carolina and what he’s learned about growing Albion strawberry. Pick-your-own strategies and other marketing ideas will flow in the afternoon sessions. Round table discussions on a variety of topics will fill out the day. Info at or

Feb 18-19, 2015 . Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Conference, Scotia Bank Convention Center, Niagara Concurrent speaker sessions, posters, trade show.

Feb 18, 2015. Berry Day at the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Conference. The berry day program will feature guest speaker Bob Gray from 4 Corners Farm in Vermont, as well as guests from Quebec and North Carolina on both irrigation and frost protection. Speakers will bring pest management updates on weed control, raspberry pests, and strawberry aphids and virus diseases. Learn about changes to the Ontario Berry Growers Association and what is hoped for the future of this organization. Scotiabank Convention Center, Niagara Falls.

Feb 19, 2015. Spotted Wing Drosophila ½ day session. We are not alone! Berry growers across North America have been fighting this new pest, and researchers have been working hard to learn all about its biology and control. In this ½ day program you will learn what is known to this point in Northeastern Canada and USA. Guest speakers from New York, Michigan, Massachusetts and Ontario. Scotiabank Convention Center, Niagara Falls.

February 24-27, 2015. North American Raspberry & Blackberry Conference, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Online registration is now open or download the Conference Registration Brochure. for additional information.

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