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B.C. chicken farmers looking to increase product prices

B.C. chicken farmers looking to increase product prices

The industry is asking the Farm Industry Review Board for permission

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

Chicken farmers in British Columbia are seeking permission to increase prices for poultry meat and eggs to offset rising production costs.

To do this, farmers must go through the Farm Industry Review Board – an independent administrative tribunal that operates at arm’s length from the provincial government.

“Because the poultry industry is regulated as a commodity, growers are not permitted to raise the prices of meat or eggs,” Robin Turncliffe, chair of the Peninsula and Area Agricultural Commission (PAAC), told Central Saanich representatives, the Lake Country Calendar reported.

The meeting occurred on March 10. Its minutes are not yet available on the PAAC website.

The PAAC’s objectives include increasing economic returns to farmers.

During her presentation, Turncliffe cited Dianne Williamson of Firbank Poultry Farm, who indicated the cost of chicken feed over an eight-week cycle the cost of feed was $120,000 compared to about $90,000 around this time in 2021.

Council agreed to support chicken producers by writing a letter to the Farm Industry Review Board.

The provincial ministry of agriculture, food and fisheries is aware of the request.

Inflation is affecting multiple sectors.

“The current increase in production costs is not unique to farming and B.C. but it part of a larger global inflation pattern impacting products and countries all over the world,” the ministry told in a statement. “We know this is a challenging time for farmers and the B.C. government has many programs in place to secure our food supply which help insulate B.C. against global and market inflation.”

B.C. farmers can access these services by contacting AgriService BC at 1-888-221-7141.

B.C. is Canada’s third largest chicken-producing province, only behind Ontario and Quebec. has contacted the PAAC for the March 10 meeting minutes.

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