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Corteva Agriscience brings Extinguish XL herbicide to Western Canadian farmers

Corteva Agriscience brings Extinguish XL herbicide to Western Canadian farmers

The herbicide has a wide application window

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

Corteva Agriscience has launched a new herbicide for wheat and barley growers in the black and grey soil zones from Manitoba to British Columbia.

Extinguish XL, which is available for the 2024 season, combines two systemic auxin-type herbicides (Group 4) and an ALS enzyme inhibitor-type herbicide (Group 2) in a pre-mix formulation.

“This is a high performing, broad spectrum broadleaf herbicide,” Jason Smith, portfolio marketing manager for cereal herbicides with Corteva Agriscience, told “It’s a nice marriage between high performance and ease of use that farmers are looking for when making decisions around herbicide.”

Extinguish XL provides control of weeds like flixweed (up to 8 leaf & 8 cm in height), Canada fleabane (up to 15 cm in height) and velvetleaf (up to the 5-leaf stage). It can also suppress weeds like white cockle and perennial sow-thistle.

The herbicide can be tank mixed with products like Axial, Everest 3.0 and Tandem.

The recommended application rate is 337ml/ac. One jug will cover about 20 acres and one case will provide coverage on about 40 acres.

And its wide application window provides farmers with flexibility when using this post-emerge product.

“We’d be looking at the two-leaf stage just before the flag leaf,” Smith said. “It’s always best to apply earlier on when weeds are smaller, but we do have the flexibility to go at the more advanced stages as well.”

Smith encourages farmers interested in using Extinguish XL to contact their local Corteva Agriscience rep.

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