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About Environmental Farm Plan

The Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) is an assessment voluntarily prepared by farm families to increase their environmental awareness in up to 23 different areas on their farm. Through the EFP process, farmers highlight their farm’s environmental strengths, identify areas of environmental concern, and set realistic action plans with time tables to improve environmental conditions. The EFP can then be used in conjunction with cost-share programs to begin implementing their action plans.

The idea for Environmental Farm Plans originated from the Ontario farm community. Farmers were involved in every stage of developing the original EFP through the Ontario Farm Environmental Coalition. The program continues to be delivered to the farm community by the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association. The Ontario Farm Environmental Coalition was led by agricultural organizations including: Ontario Federation of Agriculture, Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario, and Farm and Food Care Ontario.

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Replenish Nutrients: revolutionizing agriculture with regenerative fertilizers

Video: Replenish Nutrients: revolutionizing agriculture with regenerative fertilizers

Replenish Nutrients co-founder and CEO Neil Wiens speaks to Proactive's Stephen Gunnion about the company's focus on regenerative fertilizers.

Replenish Nutrients specializes in mineral-based fertilizers made from rock phosphate, elemental sulfur, potash, and organic matter. What sets its products apart is the incorporation of proprietary biology, ensuring active biological mineral nutrients are released at the right time and place. The company targets the commercial farming sector in Western Canada, covering a substantial 100 million acres.

Wiens highlighted the support received from the government of Alberta, emphasizing its commitment to low-impact, low-greenhouse gas products. Replenish Nutrients recently received an emissions reduction grant, showcasing its dedication to reducing carbon emissions in comparison to traditional chemical fertilizers.

The interview also touched upon the strong market conditions, with a robust fourth quarter attributed to favorable weather, strong volumes, and normalized fertilizer prices.

Wiens said investors can anticipate exciting partnerships and technological advancements from Replenish Nutrients, contributing to the company's expansion and increased cash flow.