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Beef Cow/Calf Meeting Planned June 30, 2014

While Wisconsin is known as “America’s Dairyland”, interest in raising beef cattle is on the rise.  A recent USDA census showed that a majority of cow/calf operations have less than 50 head of cattle, but raise nearly one third of the US calf crop annually.  With a plentiful supply of out-of-use dairy farm operations and pasture land available, many who work off the farm or have retired from dairying find raising beef cattle a natural fit for their available facilities.

A UW-Extension Beef Cow/Calf producer meeting is being offered to producers of all sizes and the agriculture professionals who service their operations.  The evening’s agenda will include a farm tour, meal, and speakers.  Speaker topics will include: Preventing and Managing Pinkeye, Herd Sire Health and Management, and Vaccination Protocols for Your Herd.

Attendees of the meeting will qualify for one continuing education credit for Beef Quality Assurance recertification.  The meeting will be held Monday, June 30 at the Jim and Wendy Stensen Farm, located at S10787 Russell Road in Augusta, WI.  Registration fee is free but pre-registration is requested.  

This beef cow/calf meeting is sponsored by the UW-Extension Beef and Livestock Teams

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