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‘Cover Your Acres’ Conference Set For Jan. 20-21

K-State Research and Extension is teaming up with the Northwest Kansas Crop Residue Alliance to host the 12th annual Cover Your Acres Winter Conference for crop producers and consultants Jan. 20-21 at the Gateway Center in Oberlin, Kansas. The same program will be offered both days of the conference.

Cover Your Acres is a producer-driven meeting focused on new ideas and research-based updates in crop production in northwest Kansas and the central High Plains.

The conference, which typically draws more than 600 attendees from Kansas and other states, highlights the latest technology, methods and conservation practices to improve crop production in the region. This year it will feature university specialists and industry representatives discussing issues such as kochia control, cover crops and soil microbiology, drought-tolerant corn, wheat growth and development effects on yield, the Ogallala Aquifer, implications of the new farm bill and crop insurance. Registration will begin at 7:45 a.m., with educational sessions ending at 5:00 p.m. followed by a “bull session” on Tuesday evening, where attendees can visit with industry and university specialists.

Early registration is due by Jan. 14. The fee is $40 for Jan. 20, $35 for Jan. 21 or both days for $50. After Jan. 14, the cost is $50 per day. The conference fee includes lunch and educational materials. Continuing education unit credits are available for commercial applicators and certified crop advisors.

Mail your registration, with a check payable to KSU, to the Northwest Area Office, ATTN: Cover Your Acres, P.O. Box 786, Colby, KS 67701. To view the conference details and for online registration, visit Cover Your Acres Winter Conference. For questions, call 785-462-6281.

Major sponsors of the conference include Bayer CropScience, Frontier Ag, Hoxie Implement, Lang Diesel, Monsanto, National Sunflower Association, Pacleader Technology, Plains Equipment Group, Simplot Grower Solutions, Sims Fertilizer, Simpson Farm Enterprises and Surefire Ag Systems.

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