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Crop Development Is Progressing Rapidly

Saskatchewan Agriculture's weekly crop report shows the warmer temperatures are definitely helping to advance crop development.
Crops Extension Specialist Sara Tetland says most of the crops are rated as being in fair to good condition.
"Staging kind of depends on the region. More of the southern regions farmers have noted that some of the winter cereals are starting to ripen and some of those earlier seeded crops have started to mature.  Some farmers have noted that they are going to start with their harvest operations within the next couple of weeks, more so in the southern and central regions of the province."
She says with the rains followed by hot, humid conditions farmers are seeing some disease issues.
"A lot of farmers have kind of already done their spraying for these diseases but they're still keeping an eye out in their fields. Some diseases that farmers have noted include root rots, ascochyta, sclerotinia, fusarium head blight as well as a lot of other foliar diseases in the different crop types as well."
Looking at the forecast in the south over the next week, she expects crops to progress quite rapidly.
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