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Cross Border Disease Control Key Priority In Manitoba and Minnesota

The Past-President of Minnesota Pork says controlling the movement of disease is among the top priorities of pork producers in both Manitoba and Minnesota.
Presentations by representatives of pork producer associations from Minnesota and Iowa, part of reciprocal trade advocacy efforts, were among the highlights of Manitoba Pork's 2017 Annual General Meeting last week in Winnipeg.
Kevin Estrem, the Past President of Minnesota Pork, says relations among pork producers in Manitoba and Minnesota are very good.
Kevin Estrem-Minnesota Pork:
One thing about working with Manitoba Pork is we've had a very good relationship for many years.
They've come down to our trade show and meetings and we've come up here and we share so much alike because we get so many pigs from Manitoba down through Minnesota and going elsewhere beyond into different states.
The main travel is through Minnesota so our main concern is disease control and different viruses that can be spread, not only when they're coming into Minnesota but the idea of their trucks coming back to Canada, what possibly they would be bringing back.
Source : Farmscape

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Video: Cattle Upcycling French Fries and More into Nutritious Beef

Kasko Cattle Company is a cattle feeding and farming business in Lethbridge, Alberta, that feeds just over 40,000 head of cattle annually. Generally, that feed is silage and grain, but sometimes the cattle get a special treat, like french fries.