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Greenhouse Education Conference Set For Purdue's Beck Agricultural Center

By Aspen Deno

GreenhouseGreenhouse and nursery producers will have a chance to learn about a wide range of topics at the 2015 Greenhouse Education Conference.

The workshop will be Oct. 7 at the Beck Agricultural Center, 4540 U.S. 52 W, West Lafayette. The event will start with registration at 8:30 a.m. and end at 5 p.m.

Topics covered will include marketing, worker protection, water, nutrition, pesticides, growth regulators and production.

Presenters include Fred Whitford, Purdue Pesticide Programs clinical engagement professor, Roberto Lopez, associate professor of horticulture; and Paul Fisher, professor of horticulture at the University of Florida.

Pesticide applicator recertification credits are available. Those seeking credits must bring a $10 payment for the credit and private applicator card.

Early registration is open until Sept. 15 and is $35 for the first attendee from a company and $20 per additional attendee from the same company. After Sept. 15, the cost is $45 for first attendee and $30 per additional. Registration costs includes lunch.


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