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Integrated Pest Management Program for Ontario Asparagus

The Asparagus Farmers of Ontario have been approved for up to $13,244, through the Ontario Farm Innovation Program (OFIP), to provide the Ontario asparagus industry with integrated pest management (IPM) techniques and strategies.

This project will develop an integrated pest management (IPM) manual and an interactive web-based program that will become part of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ministry of Rural Affairs CropIPM series: Growers and crop consultants will be able to access these tools to learn how to reduce the number of pesticides applied per year, time applications better for optimal control, delay or prevent pesticide resistance, gain familiarity and comfort in using available pesticide alternatives, and more efficiently monitor pest populations.

Following the release of the IPM manual and website, an IPM workshop will provide professional development opportunities for asparagus growers. Those who adopt IPM practices on their farm will be practicing more environmentally responsible agriculture and may have an opportunity to promote their adoption of IPM in the marketplace.

The OFIP is funded through Growing Forward 2 (GF2), a federal-provincial-territorial initiative. The Agricultural Adaptation Council assists in the delivery of GF2 in Ontario

Source: AAC

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Video: Follow the Potato Farmer

We are taking students out to southern Manitoba to Hespler Farms! Farmer Wayne will teach students how he plants and cares for his potato crop and why potatoes are such a unique crop to grow. Teachers, check out your AITC Dashboard for Math'd Potatoes, a potato-themed classroom resource to pair with this tour video. Thank you to Peak of the Market and Penner Farm Services for making this event possible.