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Johnson Tractor Details Decade-Long Succession Journey

In this special session, recently retired Leo Johnson (chairman) & Eric Reuterskiold (president/CEO) of Johnson Tractor (Dealership of the Year Alumni Group) rewind the clock and describe the succession plan they carefully scripted in 2011 and fully executed in 2021.

Reuterskiold was a young operations manager for the 3-store group when the Johnson brothers identified him and called upon him to lead the company until their children would be of the age to consider returning.

No one knew for sure how the plan would play out, but it did as Farm Equipment reported in 2014. Recently, the 3rd generation returned and assumed leadership roles, under the direction of Reuterskiold.

In this tag-team presentation both owner and successor detail how to make what could be an uncomfortable situation work, with emphasis on open and honest communications about a plan that all commit to following. If you haven’t seen Johnson and Reuterskiold present before, they’re known for calling it like they see it, warts and all.

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Video: Seed Speaks: Shielding The Seed Industry From Cyber Villains

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