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New Bean App Available For Soybean Growers

Bringing Research to the Farm –The Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers (MPSG) has developed an App that features 3 interactive tools to help guide soybean management decisions for farmers and agronomists. The Bean App is available free for download in the App store and iTunes for use on Apple devices, or you will be able to access the web app from your desktop (IE10/11, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) and other mobile devices (Android, Blackberry and Windows). Plans are underway to include in Google Play for Android devices.
NEW Soybean Seeding Rate calculator – Use this tool to determine the economically optimum seeding rate (seeds/ac) by first identifying the economically optimum target plant stand (live plants/ac). The optimum target plant stand fluctuates depending on soybean price and seed cost. A suggested seeding rate is then calculated based on expected seed survival (how many seeds will germinate and emerge?) which is farm specific depending on equipment, field conditions, seed quality etc. This tool utilizes research results from our On-Farm Network.
Plant Stand Assessor – Use this tool to assess your plant population and receive feedback based on scientific research conducted in Manitoba. The research referenced in the plant stand assessor is derived from the results of work conducted by Dr. Ramona Mohr et al. from Agriculture and Agri-Food across 13 site-years in Manitoba from 2011-2013.
Both the Seeding Rate Calculator and Plant Stand Assessor are great examples of how the results of scientific research can be applied directly to production practices.
Soybean Yield Estimator – use this tool to ‘estimate’ soybean yield. You may find it useful to estimate your soybean yield to help aid in judging storage capacity and budgeting. But remember, its only an estimate! Soybean yields are highly variable within fields.
Source : ManitobaPulse

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