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New Initiatives Planned Under Swine Health Information Center 2025 Plan of Work

The Swine Health Information Center is planning several new initiatives over the next year as part of its recently updated plan of work.As part of its January eNewsletter, the Swine Health Information Center outlines details of its 2025 plan of work.

SHIC Executive Director Dr. Megan Niederwerder says there are several new and exciting aspects of the plan that she is looking forward to investigating and developing new knowledge on.

Quote-Dr. Megan Niederwerder-Swine Health Information Center:

There are some highlights in the biosecurity realm that we want to ensure that effective information is produced in these areas, so thinking about the risk of multispecies operations and spillover from other livestock species or even other wildlife into the swine population, thinking about how do we increase transport biosecurity, whether that be on a regional basis or reducing the risk of trailer contamination at the packing plant, thinking about how do we enhance biosecurity tools for the packing plant, whether that be through cleaning and disinfection of lairage or perhaps the use of mobile rendering equipment, thinking about enhancing the biosecurity of mortality management and enhancing the biosecurity or reducing disease risk at the cull sow and secondary market.

We're also looking at novel diagnostic techniques, so thinking about new sample types such as waste water, environmental sample types, air samples, how do we automate the sample collection to reduce the labor needs that are often times reduced.We need to effectively utilize labor in the best way possible, so understanding those sample types that might be easier to collect at a larger level.Certainly, we want to look at some of these areas to enhance productivity, effectiveness of diagnostics as well as protect the health of the swine herd.

Full details of the 2025 plan of work can be accessed at
For more visit Farmscape.Ca.

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