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Drawing Insight: a day for convergence about H20

Water is one of the most important components for sustaining our farms, our communities, and our economy.

This year's Round-Up was all about water: Managing when there is too little or too much, maintaining its quality, and successfully securing and protecting water supplies for the short and long term.

RDAR's 2024 Round-Up was a one-day special event for everyone interested in how Alberta manages its water resources, especially how water affects the agricultural sector.

Participants heard from peers — producers, researchers, policy-makers and processors — about how to manage production and processing practices in varying conditions. Researchers heard producers' challenges while sharing their expertise. Industry leaders shared their insights on broader water issues and how policy and investments may affect business practices.

Dr. John Pomeroy

Dr. John Pomeroy is Director of the Global Water Futures Program – the largest university-led freshwater research project in the world.  At the University of Saskatchewan, he is the Canada Research Chair in Water Resources and Climate Change, Distinguished Professor of Geography, Director of the Centre for Hydrology, Director of the Coldwater Laboratory, Canmore, Alberta, and Associate Director of the Global Institute for Water Security. 

His current research interests are on the impact of land use and climate change on cold regions hydrology and water quality, and improved prediction of climate change impacts, especially floods and droughts.   

He has developed several hydrological models and a network of hydrological research basins. Dr. Pomeroy has authored over 400 research articles and reports and several books that have been cited over 25,000 times! 

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Video: Crop Talk - Soybean Stem Borer

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