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Smart Energy Choices, Savings Goals of New Farm Bureau Member Benefit

The Ohio Farm Bureau Energy Program is a valuable new benefit for the organization’s members that will provide education and protection for energy consumers and offers cost savings to eligible participants. As an added bonus, Farm Bureau’s partner, Community Energy Advisors, will award three $500 quarterly prizes to winning Farm Bureau members between now and the end of 2018.
“Making smart choices on energy can be complicated. Our goal with this program is to make it easier for our members, and maybe save them some money,” said Adam Sharp, executive vice president of Ohio Farm Bureau.
All Farm Bureau members, whether they live on farms or in cities, can participate. The protection aspects of the program will advise Farm Bureau members on such things as their rights as energy consumers, how to handle energy service solicitors, how to assess contracts, and avoid scams and fraud.  Education components keep members on top of changes in the energy marketplace, advise on new regulations and rate changes and provide energy efficiency tips. Members served by for-profit utilities may see an average 10 percent cost savings on electricity or natural gas through a process that requires suppliers to compete for the member’s business. There is no cost to the program. Members can call 800-830-3501 or visit to learn more.
Three members will be randomly selected in each month of June, September and December for $500 awards. No purchase is necessary and winners must be Farm Bureau members at the time of entry and of the drawing. Enter at
“Members have asked for help with energy issues and costs for many years. We’ve done our homework, found the right partner and created this program to give members some real benefits,” Sharp said.  
Ohio Farm Bureau is the state’s largest and most inclusive farm and food organization. Its mission is working together for Ohio farmers to advance agriculture and strengthen our communities.  

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