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U.S. Wheat Associates Marks 45 Years of Service

On January 12, 1980, wheat farmer leaders with Great Plains Wheat and Western Wheat Associates voted to officially merge into one organization, U.S. Wheat Associates (USW), to focus on building overseas demand for U.S. wheat.

As we did in 2020 to mark our 40th anniversary, in our 45th year USW will recognize and celebrate the people who produce the wheat and their enduring partnerships with their state commissions, the USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), wheat buyers, and wheat food processors around the world.

This anniversary provides a platform for us to reinforce our unique value to our customers — that behind the world’s most reliable supply of wheat are the world’s most dependable people. That, despite the different roles or distances, all the people in our story share a connection through our shared values of growth, hard work, stewardship, and family.

So, throughout 2025, U.S. Wheat Associates will revisit stories of commitment from farmers and the important partnerships that are a unique and valuable part of importing U.S. wheat — and look ahead to the ways we can continue building this legacy of success.

Partnerships at Home and Abroad

Farmers represented by 17 state wheat commissions work closely with FAS through U.S. Wheat Associates to demonstrate the need for export market development support. Those organizations and the rest of the efficient U.S. supply chain share in the challenges and rewards of wheat trade. We will also demonstrate how the world’s wheat buyers, millers and food processors view their partnership with our organization.

This legacy and those partnerships provide advantages USW believes no other wheat exporting country can provide. They combine to supply the highest quality wheat for almost every customer’s needs. Pricing is set by market conditions and remains transparent to buyers. U.S. wheat is backed by trusted third-party certification under Federal Grain Inspection Service standards. USW representatives and technical service experts provide unmatched service before and after the sale. Together, these advantages build differential value for our customers.

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