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Hay River community members assessing ag damage

Hay River community members assessing ag damage

One person called the situation ‘catastrophic’

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

As cleanup continues in the Northwest Territorites community of Hay River, the local ag community is seeing the aftermath of the recent flooding.

“It’s been catastrophic,” Kevin Wallington, chair of the Territorial Agrifood Association, told Cabin Radio. “This has definitely been a devastating blow to the agri-food sector.”

Wallington is also the business development manager with Choice North Farms, the largest egg farm in the territory.

About 3,500 Hay River residents have fled the town since ice jams and storms caused the Hay River to overflow, sending water into homes and businesses.

Some agribusiness owners are looking to the community for support.

Greenwood Gardens experienced damage to its greenhouses and two acres of berries. The owners have set up a GoFundMe page to help assist in their recovery.

“The chicken coup and garage were completely destroyed, and water in the basement of the house reached 7 feet high,” the fundraiser page says. “The tractor and other farm equipment were completely submerged in water and silt for days.’

As of May 30, the fundraiser has surpassed its $10,000 goal by $35.

Anyone interested in supporting the people of Hay River can do so via a donation to the United Way of Northwest Territories.

Residents of Hay River can also apply for assistance through the territorial government.

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