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Acceptance is Key Takeaway from “Breaking Boundaries” Pig Show

For the second year, the Ohio Pork Council (OPC) helped young people shine inside the show ring at the “Breaking Boundaries” Pig Show at the Ohio State Fair. Participants between the ages of 9 and 22 with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities had the opportunity to show a pig and be in the spotlight in front of big crowds at the fair.

Each Breaking Boundaries participant was paired with their own onsite mentor, in addition to receiving assistance from youth who participate in OPC’s OH-PIGS swine exhibition program. After receiving quick lessons on how to care for, handle and show a pig, the participants participated in a special show in front of a live audience of supporters and the event’s guest judge, Ohio Department of Agriculture Director Brian Baldridge.

“When youth with disabilities are included with our mentors, they all learn about each other's differences, enabling them to bond over something unique that they all enjoy,” Kelly Morgan, OH-PIGS coordinator, said in a release. “Acceptance becomes a part of their lives through this event that they can take with them moving forward.”

OH-PIGS mentors and show families provided the event’s show pigs in addition to offering up their personal knowledge and expertise during their time they spent with the participants.

“It’s an honor for the Ohio Pork Council to bring this event to the Ohio State Fair again after last year’s inaugural success,” Cheryl Day, executive vice president of OPC, said in a release. “This event helps to showcase the priority that our state’s pig-farming community puts on giving back to others. Without it, most of the participants would likely not get this type of unique opportunity with pigs and mentors that helps them build their people and animal relationship skills in a safe and supportive environment.”

With even more youth participating this year, the Ohio Pork Council's Breaking Boundaries Pig Show was an even greater success during week one of the Ohio State Fair in Columbus. Cheryl Day, Ohio Pork Council Executive Vice President (in red shirt center), was surrounded by the thrilled youth mentors and participants along with key supporters such as Ohio Department of Agriculture Director Brian Baldridge. (Ohio Pork Council)

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