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Cash Weaner Pig Prices Average $51.28, Up $4.39 Last Week

This market update is a weekly column reporting trends in weaner pigs. All information contained in this update is for the week ended Dec. 9. 

NutriQuest Business Solutions publishes weekly weaner pig profitability calculations which uses industry representative production costs and futures pricing for lean hogs, corn, and soybean meal, using historical basis assumptions, to establish approximate profitability and break-even pricing for the current sale or purchase of weaner pigs. Prices are based on closing futures prices on Dec. 9 and assumes CME Lean Hog Index cost and historical basis assumptions.

When you consider that today’s purchased weaner would be sold in June 2023 using June 2023 futures, the weaner breakeven was $75.66, down $6.10 for the week. Feed costs were up $1.53 per head, and June futures decreased $2.18 compared to last week’s futures, while historical basis is unchanged from last week.

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