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Collaboration Key: Canadian Beef Industry Works Together To Navigate Trade Challenges and Pursue Global Opportunities

The Canadian Beef Advisors are pleased to release the 2025-30 National Beef Strategy. The strategy positions the Canadian Beef Industry for greater profitability, growth and being a high-quality beef product of choice in the world. “The National Beef Strategy is about the future. We want people to know that the beef industry is preparing the way for the next generation,” states Bob Lowe, Chair of Public and Stakeholder Engagement.

The Canadian Beef Advisors believe a united industry is a stronger industry which benefits all those working in it today and into the future. This collaboration is key as industry works together to navigate current trade challenges and pursue global opportunities. The National Beef Strategy facilitates collaboration and coordination between the national organizations to leverage available resources on behalf of producers and processors.

Substantial progress was made under the 2020-24 strategy, and the intention is to continue building on the momentum. Nathan Phinney, Chair of the Canadian Beef Advisors comments that “tracking goals has been a productive exercise. We are seeing wins, and the Beef Advisors are excited about where we can go next.”

There have been significant strides made toward recognizing the important role beef cattle play in environmental sustainability. However, it is also acknowledged that producers have faced a multi-year drought, along with higher interest rates and input costs that have shifted cost structures. Cross border engagement and maintaining a strong Canada-U.S. trade relationship is a key priority. Staying on top of advocacy issues continues to be a strong focus and there are also bottlenecks to work on.

The National Strategy has been developed to achieve the Beef Industry 2030 goals. These are aligned with our shared vision and mission of a dynamic, profitable Canadian cattle and beef industry that produces the most trusted and competitive high-quality beef in the world, recognized for our superior value, safety, innovation and sustainable production methods. Calvin Vaags, from the Canadian Meat Council notes that “a growing population and middle class means that the demand for protein is outpacing production, driving prices higher. The protein pie is getting bigger and Canada, as a relatively low emissions intensity producer,1 deserves a seat at the table.”

The Canadian Beef Advisors consist of elected leaders and staff representation from the seven national beef organizations responsible for policy, marketing, research and sustainability. This diverse group of experienced industry representatives is responsible for advancing the strategy with the industry stakeholders, providing recommendations on future direction and reporting results toward strategy goals and objectives.

Learn more about how stakeholders can achieve a dynamic and profitable Canadian cattle and beef industry at

The National Beef Strategy is a collaborative effort by Canadian national beef sector organizations including the Beef Cattle Research Council, Canadian Beef Breeds Council, Canada Beef, Canadian Cattle Association (and its provincial member associations), Canadian Meat Council, Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, and the National Cattle Feeders’ Association.

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Ask A Farmer: How are broiler chickens raised in Canada?

Video: Ask A Farmer: How are broiler chickens raised in Canada?

As more and more Canadians become removed from farms and ranches, many people have questions about how animals are being raised on Canadian farms. Tiffany Martinka is active on social media and has made a point of sharing how their family farm takes care of their chickens. In this podcast, Tiffany explains the audited programs that all Canadian farmers must follow and describes how this system of raising chickens is unique in a global setting.

The main points of this podcast include:

What it is like on a broiler chicken farm and the process that chicken farmers go through.

The different programs that farmers must follow, and be audited on, to be licensed to sell broiler chicken in Canada.

The full circle of practices on Tiffany’s family farm, including growing their own feed for chickens, then recycling the manure back onto the fields to grow future crops.