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Funding Available to Farmers to Improve Profitability and the Environment

Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) encourages farmers to take advantage of funding for water and soil improvement projects on their land. Farmers can apply for grants of up to $25,000 through CVC’s Rural Water Quality Program.
“Good projects improve the health of the natural environment, but great projects do this while improving farm profitability,” says Mark Eastman, Senior Coordinator, Agricultural Outreach at CVC. “Great projects reduce fertilizer, pesticide and tile drainage costs by revitalizing natural processes.”
The Rural Water Quality Program helps farmers protect their investments by improving soil and water health and wildlife habitat. The program provides funding for cover crop, erosion control structures, crop nutrient and pest management planning, manure management, livestock fencing and well decommissioning and upgrade projects. Funding is also available for tree planting and grassland, stream and wetland restoration projects. Farmers often undertake these projects in poor crop growing areas where major environmental benefits can be realized by building connections between natural areas on the farm.
Source : CVC

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Cattle Markets - Mike Briggs

Video: Cattle Markets - Mike Briggs

Turning our attention over to the Markets. Joining us now to discuss the recent movements in the Cattle Market is the owner and operator of Briggs Feed Yard, Mr. Mike Briggs.