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Syngenta receives Canadian registration for breakthrough Solatenol fungicide

Syngenta Canada Inc. is pleased to announce that its first succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) foliar fungicide, benzovindiflupyr, known by the general name Solatenol® fungicide, has received registration from Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA).

Already a blockbuster in other parts of the world, Solatenol fungicide is now registered for use in Canada across a wide variety of horticultural and field crops.

Solatenol fungicide offers Canadian growers an excellent option for disease control through several features and benefits, including:

  1. High potency at lower active ingredient rates compared to other SDHI products, delivering long-lasting, reliable disease control
  2. Broad-spectrum control of yield and quality-robbing foliar diseases and soil pathogens, including rusts, Septoria, apple scab, powdery mildew and Rhizoctonia
  3. Flexible application timing and tank-mix compatibility for optimum crop safety and resistance management benefits
  4. Excellent preventative fungicidal activity that delivers consistent performance under a wide variety of conditions

Solatenol will be part of three new fungicide products coming to market for the Spring 2016 season.

Solatenol will be offered to growers of pome fruits and blueberries as Aprovia™ fungicide. Aprovia provides long-lasting, foliar disease control of apple scab, powdery mildew, and Alternaria blotch in pome fruits, as well as leaf rust in blueberries, via translaminar movement through the plant tissue. Aprovia, which will come in a convenient solo formulation, can also be tank-mixed with a number of other products.

In pulse crops, such as lentils, chickpeas and field peas, Solatenol will be available as part of Elatus™ fungicide, a combination of Solatenol and azoxystrobin. Elatus provides growers with targeted control of key diseases, including Ascochyta blight, anthracnose and Mycosphaerella blight, to help maximize yield and quality.

In corn, soybeans and wheat, Solatenol will be marketed as Trivapro™ fungicide, a product that combines the power of three distinct active ingredients – benzovindiflupyr (Solatenol), azoxystrobin and propiconazole – to provide preventative, curative, and long-lasting protection against the most common leaf diseases and rusts. With all three active ingredients having activity on target diseases, Trivapro will also offer growers one of the strongest resistance management products on the market.

“Growers can expect a step change in disease control when they use products containing Solatenol fungicide,” said Eric Phillips, Product Lead, Fungicides and Insecticides, with Syngenta Canada. “This registration exemplifies our commitment to developing innovative crop protection products to help growers maximize their profit potential.”

For more information about Solatenol fungicide, Aprovia fungicide, Elatus fungicide and Trivapro fungicide, please contact your local Syngenta Representative or our Customer Interaction Centre at 1-87-SYNGENTA (1-877-964-3682).

Source: Syngentafarm

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