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Soil Health Nutrient Tool Webinar Offered

“Soil Health Nutrient Tool, The Science Behind This Tool (Dr. Rick Haney) and Soil Health Nutrient Tool Project (David Lamm)”

Tuesday, January 20th, 2015, 12:00 – 1:30 PM Central Time (1:00 – 2:30 PM Eastern Time)

Presented by the National Soil Survey Center, USDA-NRCS
You’ll come away learning about the new soil testing method, Soil Health Nutrient Tool, and how it is used to improve our understanding of soil management systems. This webinar is for anyone involved in or interested in soil health.

NRCS has targeted “High Quality, Productive Soils” as one of its mission goals.  To help achieve this goal, NRCS has entered into an interagency agreement with ARS Temple, TX to conduct further validation of the Soil Health Nutrient Tool and to educate NRCS employees and the general public on this new soil testing method that will improve our understanding of soil management systems. The presentation will cover the objectives and goals of the project while providing an update on its current status.

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