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Feed delivery trucks need PEDV biosecurity.

COLUMBIA, Mo. - University of Missouri Extension swine nutrition specialist Marcia Shannon advises pork producers to take extra precautions with feed and delivery trucks to prevent the spread of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV).

The recent spread of PEDV increases the need for better biosecurity associated with all aspects of the farm, Shannon said. The virus is most deadly to piglets three weeks or younger and slows the growth performance of older pigs for about two weeks.

PEDV spreads through contact with contaminated feces, and the virus appears to survive in manure for a long time, especially in cold weather. TGE virus, which is similar to PEDV, will survive in manure for more than eight weeks at 40 degrees Fahrenheit and only two weeks at 70 degrees, Shannon said.

Use biosecurity measures when getting feed at the local feed mill or having a feed truck deliver feed to the farm, said Shelbina, Mo., veterinarian Stephen D. Patterson.

This lessens the chance that trucks, bagged feed, equipment, clothing and footwear become contaminated with fecal material.

Patterson recommends the following tips:

 Keep the delivery truck and trailer clean. Wash and disinfect wheels, tires and fender walls before or after each farm visit. Let the truck and trailer dry for best results.

 Wash and disinfect floor mats when you wash the truck.

 Use disinfectant wipes to clean the steering wheel, armrests, gearshift, door handles and any other areas that can be contaminated. Use aerosol disinfectant on seats.

 Before exiting a truck, drivers should put on clean, disinfected boots or shoes before hitting the ground.

Follow these rules wherever you go, such as the gas station, grocery store, restaurants, post office and other public buildings. Follow the same procedures when you get back in the vehicle. Limit travel or the number of stops as much as possible.

Source: AGEBB

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