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National Dairy Promotion Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted

Applications are being accepted for college scholarships that are awarded by America’s dairy farmers and dairy importers through the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board (NDB). NDB funds, in part, Dairy Management Inc.™, which manages the national dairy checkoff program. Nineteen scholarships worth up to $1,500 each will be awarded.

Students in their sophomore through senior year majoring in the following fields are eligible: communications/public relations, journalism, marketing, business, economics, nutrition, food science, and agriculture education. In addition, the NDB awards a $2,500 James H. Loper Jr. Memorial Scholarship to the outstanding scholarship recipient.

Scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement, an interest in a career in a dairy-related discipline, and demonstrated leadership, initiative and integrity. Candidates are expected to complete an application form, submit an official transcript of all college courses, and write a short statement describing their career aspirations, dairy-related activities and work experiences.

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